“Young Stars & Their Adorable Baby!”

I just couldn’t resist commenting on this news about the female star of the Little Mermaid” and her once upon a time boyfriend. As usual when I hear of couples I have to do an assessment of their birthdays.  After hearing the stories about this couple, I had to assess their birthday ingredients. A quick Google search revealed their birthdays. Based on their public statements, their maturity level is questionable, and after assessing the birthdays and their compatibility, the struggle in the relationship  all makes sense.

He’s a Libra, and she’s an Aries. That alone doesn’t make them incompatible, but when I assessed their birthday ingredient, I found only one matching ingredient. It takes at  least 3 matches to have a happy and loving relationship.  Having just one matching ingredient in a relationship makes it challenging—strictly business at best. It is my theory that when there are 2 to four matching ingredients between a couples birthdays they will experience a genuine care and love for each other and sheer long lasting romance. The more matching ingredients the stronger the relationship becomes. Otherwise they will always have senseless disagreements and will never feel truly satisfied.

So why did they get together in the first place? I know why—because it’s how it always happens. Someone sparkles, shines, and whispers sweet nothings in one’s ear, and we fall for it. But we must learn to be patient. Wait until you get the full picture—the background check, the memo, the clearance. Don’t go flying by the seat of your pants.

Now, they have a baby together. Bringing a baby into a situation where the parents will always have issues—especially when they lack the emotional maturity to navigate a serious relationship—it creates challenges not only for them but for the baby. A baby observing this kind of instability, even as young as six months old, a baby can start taking sides, I think. I’m not sure about that but I’m sure the baby knows when there’s a disagreement.  I’m not sure of the exact age of their baby, but witnessing parental conflict at an early age can stunt emotional growth, leading to obstacles they’ll have to overcome before they can even express their own feelings about life.

We must begin to recognize that, for the young, sex should be just that—sex—not an unplanned path to parenthood. Procreation should be a conscious decision, something planned and prepared for.

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